@@ -4,22 +4,28 @@
<tm-sheet class="kuang" style="padding-bottom: 40px !important;">
<view style="width: 94%;margin:0 auto;">
- <tm-input title="收货人" placeholder="请填写收货人姓名" v-model="name"></tm-input>
- <tm-input title="手机号码" placeholder="填写收件人手机号码" v-model="mobile"></tm-input>
- <tm-input title="所在地区" placeholder="省市区县、乡镇等" v-model="region" @click="dateSe_3"></tm-input>
- <tm-input title="详细地址" placeholder="街道、楼牌号等" v-model="address"></tm-input>
+ <tm-input title="收货人" placeholder="请填写收货人姓名" v-model="dizhi.name"></tm-input>
+ <tm-input title="手机号码" placeholder="填写收件人手机号码" v-model="dizhi.mobile"></tm-input>
+ <tm-pickersCity @confirm="dateSe_3" :default-value="d_3" btn-color="bg-gradient-deep-purple-accent"
+ style="margin:0 16px 0px;box-sizing: border-box;">
+ <tm-button class="xuanze" theme="bg-gradient-deep-purple-accent"
+ style="padding-left: 0px!important;margin-left:0px;border-bottom: 1px solid #303030!important;">
+ <tm-input style="padding: 0px 60px 0px 0px!important;margin-left: 0!important;" title="所在地区"
+ placeholder="省市区县、乡镇等" v-model="dizhi.region" @click="dateSe_3">
+ </tm-input>
+ </tm-button>
+ </tm-pickersCity>
+ <tm-input title="详细地址" placeholder="街道、楼牌号等" v-model="dizhi.address"></tm-input>
<tm-sheet class="kuang" style="padding-bottom: 20px !important;">
<view style="width: 94%;margin:0 auto;padding-top:15px;">
<view class="fl text-white mt-10" style="width: 15%;">标签</view>
<view class="fl" style="width: 80%;">
- <tm-button class="ml-20" :round="10" theme="gray" size="s">{{label}}</tm-button>
- <!-- <tm-button class="ml-20" :round="10" theme="gray" size="s">学校</tm-button>
- <tm-button class="ml-20" :round="10" theme="gray" size="s">学校</tm-button>
- <tm-button class="ml-20" :round="10" theme="gray" size="s">学校</tm-button>
- <tm-button class="ml-20" :round="10" theme="gray" size="s">学校</tm-button> -->
- <tm-button class="ml-20" :round="10" theme="gray" size="s">+</tm-button>
+ <!-- <tm-button class="ml-20" :round="10" theme="gray" size="s">{{dizhi.label}}</tm-button> -->
+ <tm-button class="ml-20" :round="10" v-model="sel" :theme="sel==index?'blue':'gray'" size="s"
+ v-for="(item,index) in tags" @click="selectTag(index)">{{item.name}}</tm-button>
+ <tm-button class="ml-20" :round="10" theme="gray" size="s" @click="addTag">+</tm-button>
<view style="clear: both;"></view>
<tm-listitem title="设置为默认地址" @click="btnClick">
@@ -30,15 +36,11 @@
- <tm-button :round="24" class="sao mb-40 mt-40" block @click="saveAdd">保存</tm-button>
+ <tm-button :round="24" class="sao mb-40 mt-40" block @click="redact" v-if="isSave">修改</tm-button>
+ <tm-button :round="24" class="sao mb-40 mt-40" block @click="saveAdd" v-else>保存</tm-button>
<!-- 弹出层消息 -->
<tm-message ref="toast"></tm-message>
- <!-- 地区选择 -->
- <tm-pickersCity @confirm="dateSe_3" btn-color="bg-gradient-deep-purple-accent" v-model="isAdd">
- <!-- <tm-button theme="bg-gradient-deep-purple-accent">地区选择</tm-button> -->
- </tm-pickersCity>
@@ -48,19 +50,33 @@
export default {
data() {
return {
+ tags: [{
+ name: '家庭'
+ }, {
+ name: '学校'
+ }, {
+ name: '公司'
+ }],
isAdd: false,
+ isSave: false,
on: false,
- name: '',
- mobile: '',
- region: '',
- address: '',
- label: '学校',
- isdefault: 0,
+ sel: -1,
+ dizhi: {
+ name: '',
+ mobile: '',
+ region: '',
+ address: '',
+ label: '',
+ isdefault: 0,
+ },
d_3: [],
- onLoad() {
+ onLoad(op) {
+ if (Object.keys(op).length != 0) {
+ this.isSave = true;
+ this.dizhi.id = op.id;
+ }
created() {
var that = this;
@@ -72,45 +88,55 @@
}, 1000)
this.sys = uni.getSystemInfoSync();
+ if (that.dizhi.id) {
+ this.getAddDetail()
+ }
methods: {
+ // 选择标签
+ selectTag(index) {
+ this.sel = index;
+ this.dizhi.label = this.tags[index].name;
+ console.log(this.dizhi.label, '33');
+ },
+ // 新增标签
+ addTag() {
+ },
+ // 选择地址
dateSe_3(e) {
- this.isAdd = true;
- if (this.d_3 != null) {
- this.d_3 = e;
- this.region = this.d_3.join('');
- console.log(this.d_3, this.region, '地区');
- }
+ this.d_3 = e;
+ this.dizhi.region = this.d_3.join('');
// 设置默认地址
btnClick() {
if (this.on) {
- this.isdefault = 1;
+ this.dizhi.isdefault = 1;
} else {
- this.isdefault = 0;
+ this.dizhi.isdefault = 0;
// 保存地址
saveAdd() {
let that = this;
let phone = /^1[3456789]\d{9}$/;
- let reg = phone.test(that.mobile);
- if (that.name == '') {
+ let reg = phone.test(that.dizhi.mobile);
+ if (that.dizhi.name == '') {
title: '姓名不能为空',
icon: 'none'
- } else if (that.mobile == '' || reg == false) {
+ } else if (that.dizhi.mobile == '' || reg == false) {
title: '手机号格式不正确',
icon: 'none'
- } else if (that.region == '') {
+ } else if (that.dizhi.region == '') {
title: '地区不能为空',
icon: 'none'
- } else if (that.address == '') {
+ } else if (that.dizhi.address == '') {
title: '详细地址不能为空',
icon: 'none'
@@ -120,12 +146,12 @@
url: '/api/Address/addAddress',
method: 'post',
data: {
- name: that.name,
- mobile: that.mobile,
- region: that.region,
- address: that.address,
- label: that.label,
- default_address: that.isdefault
+ name: that.dizhi.name,
+ mobile: that.dizhi.mobile,
+ region: that.dizhi.region,
+ address: that.dizhi.address,
+ label: that.dizhi.label,
+ default_address: that.dizhi.isdefault
}).then(res => {
@@ -134,11 +160,15 @@
model: 'successs',
label: res.data.msg
- setTimeout(()=>{
+ // uni.showToast({
+ // title: res.data.msg,
+ // icon: 'success'
+ // })
+ setTimeout(() => {
- url:'/pages/dizhi/index'
+ url: '/pages/dizhi/index'
- },800)
+ }, 800)
} else {
model: 'error',
@@ -148,6 +178,70 @@
+ // 获取地址详情
+ getAddDetail() {
+ let that = this;
+ myRequest({
+ url: '/api/Address/getAddressDetails',
+ method: 'post',
+ data: {
+ id: that.dizhi.id,
+ }
+ }).then(res => {
+ console.log(res.data);
+ if (res.data.code == 200) {
+ that.dizhi = res.data.data;
+ this.tags.forEach((item, index) => {
+ if (that.dizhi.label == item.name) {
+ that.sel = index;
+ }
+ })
+ if (res.data.data.default_address == 1) {
+ that.on = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ that.$refs.toast.show({
+ model: 'error',
+ label: res.data.msg
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ redact() {
+ let that = this;
+ myRequest({
+ url: '/api/Address/updateAddress',
+ method: 'post',
+ data: {
+ id: that.dizhi.id,
+ name: that.dizhi.name,
+ mobile: that.dizhi.mobile,
+ region: that.dizhi.region,
+ address: that.dizhi.address,
+ label: that.dizhi.label,
+ default_address: that.dizhi.isdefault
+ }
+ }).then(res => {
+ console.log(res.data);
+ if (res.data.code == 200) {
+ uni.showToast({
+ title: res.data.msg,
+ icon: 'success'
+ })
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ uni.navigateTo({
+ url: '/pages/dizhi/index'
+ })
+ }, 800)
+ } else {
+ that.$refs.toast.show({
+ model: 'error',
+ label: res.data.msg
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ }
@@ -164,7 +258,11 @@
/deep/ .border-grey-darken-4-b-1 {
- border-bottom: solid 1px #303030;
+ border-bottom: solid 1px #303030 !important;
+ }
+ /deep/.tm-button .tm-button-btn uni-button.wn[data-v-dae977ca] {
+ padding-left: 0px !important;
.sao {