YZM hace 2 años

+ 9 - 0

@@ -343,6 +343,15 @@
 					"titleNView": false
+		},
+		{
+			"path": "pages/genghuan/index",
+			"style": {
+				"navigationBarTitleText": "我的",
+				"app-plus":{
+					"titleNView": false
+				}
+			}
 	"tabBar": { 

+ 122 - 35

@@ -5,21 +5,28 @@
 		<div class="zhuti">
 			<!-- 衣橱 -->
 			<tm-sheet class="yichu" style="margin-bottom: 40px !important;">
-				<!-- <view class="biaoti text-white mt-30 text-size-m"><view class="mr-10"></view>分类</view> -->
-				<!-- <tm-tabs class="C1b1b1b qiehuan" color="white"  align="left"  v-model="activeIndex" :list="list" range-key="title"></tm-tabs> -->
-				<view class="biaoti text-white mt-30 text-size-m"><view class="mr-10"></view>场景</view>
-				<tm-tabs class="C1b1b1b qiehuan" color="white"  align="left"  v-model="activeIndex1" :list="list1" range-key="title"></tm-tabs>
-				<!-- <tm-tabs class="C1b1b1b qiehuan" color="white"  align="left"  v-model="activeIndex1" :list="list1" range-key="title"></tm-tabs> -->
-				<view class="yiguicla black pa-6 ma-4 fl" @click="gaoliang(index,item)" :class="chooseindex==index?'C0178FD':''" v-for="(item,index) in quanbuList">
-					<image :src="item.src" mode="widthFix"></image>
-					<view class="text-size-m mt-20 mb-20 ml-10">{{item.text}}</view>
+				<view class="flex-center"><tm-segTabs @change="shifouxuan" :round="24" :margin="[32,10]" font-size="s" :list="list" color="white" activeFontColor="red" bg-color="bg-gradient-red-lighten" v-model="active"></tm-segTabs></view>
+				<view v-if="yixuanor==1" class="biaoti text-white mt-10 text-size-m"><view class="mr-10"></view>分类</view>
+				<tm-tabs @change="fenlei"  v-if="yixuanor==1" class="C1b1b1b qiehuan" color="white" align="left"  v-model="activeIndexfl" :list="listfl" range-key="title"></tm-tabs>
+				<view class="biaoti text-white mt-30 text-size-m"><view class="mr-10" v-if="yixuanor==0"></view>{{yixuanor==0?'场景':'请选择场景'}}</view>
+				<tm-tabs @change="changjing" class="C1b1b1b qiehuan" color="white"  align="left"  v-model="activeIndexcj" :list="listcj" range-key="title"></tm-tabs>
+				<view v-if="yixuanor==1" class="yiguicla black pa-6 ma-4 fl" @click="gaoliang(index,item)" :class="chooseindex==index?'C0178FD':''" v-for="(item,index) in quanbuList">
+					<image :src="item.image" mode="widthFix"></image>
+					<view class="text-size-m mt-20 mb-20 ml-10">{{item.title}}</view>
-				<view style="clear: both;" class="more ma-30 pt-40" @click="gengmore()">
+				<view v-if="yixuanor==0" class="yiguicla black pa-6 ma-4 fl" @click="gaoliang(index,item)" :class="chooseindex==index?'C0178FD':''" v-for="(item,index) in yixuanList">
+					<image :src="item.image" mode="widthFix"></image>
+					<view class="text-size-m mt-20 mb-20 ml-10">{{item.title}}</view>
+				</view>
+				<tm-empty v-if="yixuanor==0 && yixuanList.length ==0" label="暂无数据" color="white" icon="icon-paperplane-fill"></tm-empty>
+				<view style="clear: both;"></view>
+				<!-- <view style="clear: both;" class="more ma-30 pt-40" @click="gengmore()">
 					<image src="/static/img/30.png" mode="widthFix"></image>
 					<text class="text-size-s">下拉加载更多~</text>
-				</view>
+				</view> -->
-			<tm-button :round="24" class="sao mb-40" block>确定</tm-button>
+			<tm-button v-if="yixuanor==0 && yixuanList.length !=0" theme="gray" :round="24" class="sao mb-40" block>删除</tm-button>
+			<tm-button v-if="yixuanor==1" :round="24" class="sao mb-40" block>保存</tm-button>
 		<!-- 弹出层消息 -->
 		<tm-message ref="toast"></tm-message>
@@ -30,30 +37,17 @@ import{myRequest} from '@/api/request.js'
 export default {
 	data() {
 		return {
-			list:['时尚','商务'],
-			list1:['开会','聚餐'],
-			activeIndex:0,
-			activeIndex1:0,
-			quanbuList:[{
-				src:'/static/img/44.png',
-				text:'日常穿搭'
-			},{
-				src:'/static/img/44.png',
-				text:'日常穿搭'
-			},{
-				src:'/static/img/44.png',
-				text:'日常穿搭'
-			},{
-				src:'/static/img/44.png',
-				text:'日常穿搭'
-			},{
-				src:'/static/img/44.png',
-				text:'日常穿搭'
-			},{
-				src:'/static/img/44.png',
-				text:'日常穿搭',
-				off:false
-			}],
+			listflall:[],
+			listcjall:[],
+			listfl:[],
+			yixuanor:0,//0已选
+			list:['已选穿搭','可选穿搭'],
+			listcj:[],
+			active:0,
+			activeIndexfl:0,
+			activeIndexcj:0,
+			quanbuList:[],
+			yixuanList:[],
@@ -62,8 +56,101 @@ export default {
 	created() {
 		this.sys = uni.getSystemInfoSync();
+		this.getFl();
+		this.getCj();
 	methods: {
+		fenlei(e){
+			var id=this.listflall[e].id;
+			this.getKxuan(id)
+		},
+		changjing(e){
+			var id=this.listcjall[e].id;
+			this.getYxuan(id)
+		},
+		shifouxuan(e){
+			this.activeIndexcj=0;
+			this.chooseindex=-1;
+			this.yixuanor=e;
+			if(e==0){
+				var id=this.listcjall[0].id;
+				this.getYxuan(id)
+			}
+		},
+		getYxuan(id){
+			var that=this;
+			myRequest({
+				url: "/api/Collocation/getAppointmentMatching",
+				method:'post',
+				data:{scene_id:id}
+			}).then(res => {
+				if (res.data.code == 200) {
+					if(res.data.data.length != 0){
+						that.quanbuList=res.data.data;
+					}
+				}else{
+					that.quanbuList=[];
+				}
+			})
+		},
+		getKxuan(id){
+			var that=this;
+			myRequest({
+				url: "/api/Collocation/getPlanTomorrow",
+				method:'post',
+				data:{id:id}
+			}).then(res => {
+				if (res.data.code == 200) {
+					if(res.data.data.length != 0){
+						that.quanbuList=res.data.data;
+					}
+				}else{
+					that.quanbuList=[];
+				}
+			})
+		},
+		getCj(){
+			var that=this;
+			myRequest({
+				url: "/api/Scene/sceneList",
+				method:'post',
+				data:{}
+			}).then(res => {
+				if (res.data.code == 200) {
+					if(res.data.data.length != 0){
+						// that.listfl=['全部'];
+						for(let i=0;i<res.data.data.length;i++){
+							that.listcj.push(res.data.data[i].scene_name)
+						}
+						that.listcjall=res.data.data;
+						that.getYxuan(that.listcjall[0].id)
+					}
+				}else{
+					that.listcj=[];
+				}
+			})
+		},
+		getFl(){
+			var that=this;
+			myRequest({
+				url: "/api/Category/getCollocationClassList",
+				method:'post',
+				data:{}
+			}).then(res => {
+				if (res.data.code == 200) {
+					if(res.data.data.length != 0){
+						// that.listfl=['全部'];
+						for(let i=0;i<res.data.data.length;i++){
+							that.listfl.push(res.data.data[i].category_name)
+						}
+						that.listflall=res.data.data;
+						that.getKxuan(that.listflall[0].id);
+					}
+				}else{
+					that.listfl=[];
+				}
+			})
+		},

+ 393 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+	<view :style="{ minHeight: sys.windowHeight + 'px' }" :class="[$tm.vx.state().tmVuetify.black ? 'black' : ' ']">
+		<tm-menubars title="衣柜" :shadow="0" :showback="true"></tm-menubars>
+		<view class="C1b1b1b">
+			<view class="dingwei ml-20" v-if="itemuser!=0">
+				<image class="touxiang" style="vertical-align: middle;" src="/static/img/41.png" mode="widthFix"></image>
+				<text style="vertical-align: middle;" class="text-size-m mr-20">{{itemuser.username}}的衣橱</text>
+				<!-- <image @click="qiehuanFun" style="vertical-align: middle;" src="/static/img/42.png" mode="widthFix"></image> -->
+				<!-- <text @click="qiehuanFun" style="vertical-align: middle;" class="text-size-m">切换</text> -->
+			</view>
+			<view class="dingwei" v-if="itemuser==0">
+				<text style="vertical-align: middle;" class="text-size-m mr-20">暂无家庭成员去添加</text>
+				<image @click="tianjia" style="vertical-align: middle;" src="/static/img/42.png" mode="widthFix"></image>
+			</view>
+		</view>
+		<!-- 推荐 -->
+		<view class="zhuti">
+			<!-- 衣橱 -->
+			<tm-sheet class="yichu" style="margin-bottom: 70px !important;">
+				<tm-tabs class="C1b1b1b qiehuan" @change="fenleichangeFun" color="white"  align="left"  v-model="activeIndex" :list="list" range-key="title"></tm-tabs>
+				<view style="position: relative;" class="yiguicla black pa-6 ma-4 fl" :class="itemoff==index?'C0178FD':''" v-for="(item,index) in quanbuList" @click="yifu(index)">
+					<image :src="item.image" mode="widthFix"></image>
+					<view  class="text-align-center text-size-m mt-8">{{item.brand}}</view>
+					<view :class="item.is_have==0?'text-gray':''" class="text-align-center text-size-m mt-6 mb-6">{{item.goods_name}}</view>
+					<view v-if="item.is_have==0" class="hui"></view>
+				</view>
+				<view style="clear: both;"></view>
+				<view v-if="quanbuList.length<total" class="more ma-30 pt-40" @click="gengmore()">
+					<image src="/static/img/30.png" mode="widthFix"></image>
+					<text class="text-size-s">下拉加载更多~</text>
+				</view>
+			</tm-sheet>
+			<view class="">
+				<!-- <tm-button @click="quxiao1" :round="24" class="fl" theme="gray" size="n">取消</tm-button> -->
+				<!-- <tm-button :round="24" @click="shanchu" class="fl" theme="red" size="n">删除</tm-button> -->
+				<!-- <tm-button :round="24" @click="chuku" class="fl" theme="primary" size="n">出库</tm-button> -->
+				<tm-button :round="24" @click="baocun" theme="primary" size="n">确定</tm-button>
+			</view>
+			<tm-poup v-model="show_1" :position="pos" class="tcc">
+				<view style="position: relative !important;" v-if="chukudata.length !=0">
+					<view style="height: 10px;"></view>
+					<tm-swiper @change="qiehuanLb" :current="current" :indicator-dots="false" :round="6" :ani3d="190"  :autoplay="false" :list="list1"></tm-swiper>
+					<view class="text-white text-align-center mt-15">{{chukudata[current].brand}}{{chukudata[current].color}}{{chukudata[current].goods_name}}</view>
+					<view class="text-white text-align-center mt-10 text-size-s">{{chukudata[current].description}}</view>
+					<image class="guayi" :src="chukudata[current].ygimage" mode="widthFix"></image>
+					<view class="text-white text-align-center mt-15">衣物位于 {{chukudata[current].ygposition}} {{chukudata[current].is_have}}号衣柜</view>
+					<view class="text-white text-align-center mt-15">
+						<image class="aniOn deng" src="/static/img/101.png" mode="widthFix"></image>
+						<text style="vertical-align: middle;">指示灯已亮,请取出衣柜</text>
+					</view>
+					<view class="anniu">
+						<tm-button @click="quxiao()" theme="gray" size="n">关闭弹框</tm-button>
+						<tm-button @click="chuFun()" class="fr" theme="primary" size="n">取消出库</tm-button>
+					</view>
+				</view>
+			</tm-poup>
+			<!-- 弹出层消息 -->
+			<tm-message ref="toast"></tm-message>
+			<tm-dialog v-model="show" :content="content" @confirm="queren"></tm-dialog>
+		</view>
+	</view>
+import{myRequest} from '@/api/request.js'
+export default {
+	data() {
+		return {
+			itemuser:0,
+			soso:'',
+			activeIndex:0,
+			list:[],
+			list1:[],
+			listlx:[],
+			quanbuList:[],
+			itemoff:-1,
+			pagesize:6,
+			page:1,
+			total:0,
+			count:0,
+			have:0,
+			show:false,
+			content:'',
+			show_1:false,
+			pos:'center',
+			chukudata:[],
+			ids:[],
+			current:0
+		};
+	},
+	onLoad(e) {
+		this.goods_id=e.goods_id?e.goods_id:4;//是自己的
+		this.id=e.id?e.id:3;//是自己的
+	},
+	created() {
+		this.sys = uni.getSystemInfoSync();
+		this.getfenltext()
+		this.fenleichange();
+	},
+	methods: {
+		baocun(){
+			var that=this;
+			if(this.itemoff==-1){
+				that.$refs.toast.show({model:'error',label:'请选择衣物'})
+				return
+			}
+			var id=this.quanbuList[this.itemoff].id;
+			if(that.goods_id==id){
+				uni.navigateBack();
+				that.$refs.toast.show({model:'error',label:'修改成功'})
+				return
+			}
+			myRequest({
+				url: "/api/Collocation/changeClothes",
+				method:'post',
+				data:{y_id:that.id,g_id:id}
+			}).then(res => {
+				if (res.data.code == 200) {
+					that.$refs.toast.show({model:'success',label:res.data.msg})
+					let pages = getCurrentPages(); // 当前页面
+					let beforePage = pages[pages.length - 2]; // 前一个页面
+					uni.navigateBack({
+						delta: 1,
+						success: function() {
+							beforePage.$vm.getDate()
+						}
+					});
+				}else{
+					that.$refs.toast.show({model:'error',label:res.data.msg})
+				}
+			})
+		},
+		qiehuanLb(e){
+			var that=this;
+			this.current=e;
+		},
+		queren(){
+			var that=this;
+			this.list1=[]
+			myRequest({
+				url: "/api/Goods/takeClothes",
+				method:'post',
+				data:{id:that.ids}
+			}).then(res => {
+				if (res.data.code == 200) {
+					that.show_1=true;
+					that.chukudata=res.data.data;
+					for(let i=0;i<res.data.data.length;i++){
+						that.list1.push(res.data.data[i].image)
+					}
+					that.$refs.toast.show({model:'success',label:'出库成功'})
+				}else{
+					that.$refs.toast.show({model:'error',label:res.data.msg})
+				}
+			})
+		},
+		quxiao1(){
+			for(let i=0;i<this.quanbuList.length;i++){
+				this.quanbuList[i].off=false;
+				this.$forceUpdate()
+			}
+		},
+		chuku(){
+			var id=[],a=0;
+			var that=this;
+			if(this.quanbuList.length==0){
+				that.$refs.toast.show({model:'error',label:'请选择衣物'})
+				return
+			}
+			for(let i=0;i<this.quanbuList.length;i++){
+				if(this.quanbuList[i].off){
+					a=a+1;
+					if(this.quanbuList[i].off && this.quanbuList[i].is_have !=0){
+						id.push(this.quanbuList[i].id)
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if(id.length==0){
+				that.$refs.toast.show({model:'error',label:'请选择在库衣物'})
+				return
+			}
+			this.content="有"+(a-id.length)+"衣物已经出库,在库衣物将添加至出库清单"
+			this.ids=id;
+			this.show=true;
+		},
+		sosoFun(){
+			uni.navigateTo({
+				url: "/pages/shopsoso/index",
+			})
+		},
+		getfenltext(){
+			var that=this;
+			myRequest({
+				url: "/api/Category/list",
+				method:'post',
+				data:{}
+			}).then(res => {
+				if (res.data.code == 200) {
+					if(res.data.data.length != 0){
+						that.list=['全部'];
+						for(let i=0;i<res.data.data.length;i++){
+							that.list.push(res.data.data[i].category_name)
+						}
+						that.listlx=res.data.data;
+					}
+				}else{
+					that.list=[];
+					that.listlx=[];
+				}
+			})
+		},
+		getList(){
+			var that=this;
+			myRequest({
+				url: "/api/Goods/classificationData",
+				method:'post',
+				data:{role_id:that.itemuser.id,id:that.activeIndex,page:that.page,pagesize:that.pagesize}
+			}).then(res => {
+				if (res.data.code == 200) {
+					if(res.data.data.length != 0){
+						that.quanbuList=that.quanbuList.concat(res.data.data.data);
+						for(let i=0;i<that.quanbuList.length;i++){
+							that.quanbuList[i].off=false;
+						}
+						that.total=res.data.data.total;
+						that.count=res.data.data.count;
+						that.have=res.data.data.have;
+					}
+				}else{
+					that.quanbuList=[];
+				}
+			})
+		},
+		fenleichangeFun(){
+			this.page=1;
+			this.quanbuList=[]
+			this.getList()
+		},
+		fenleichange(){
+			var that=this;
+			myRequest({
+				url: "/api/MemberInfo/getFamilyMember",
+				method:'post',
+				data:{family_id:uni.getStorageSync("family_id")}
+			}).then(res => {
+				if (res.data.code == 200) {
+					if(res.data.data.length != 0){
+						var wu=0;
+						for(let i=0;i<res.data.data.length;i++){
+							if(res.data.data[i].checked==1){
+								wu=1;
+								that.itemuser=res.data.data[i];
+							}
+						}
+						if(wu==0){
+							that.itemuser=res.data.data[0];
+						}
+						that.getList();
+					}else{
+						that.itemuser=0;
+					}
+				}else{
+					that.itemuser=0;
+				}
+			})
+		},
+		yifu(index){
+			this.itemoff=index;
+		},
+		qiehuanFun(){
+			uni.navigateTo({
+				url: "/pages/qiehuan/index",
+			})
+		},
+		randouh(){
+			let list2 = [],that=this;
+			for(let i=0;i<6;i++){
+				list2.push({
+					src:'/static/img/47.png',
+					text:'大号版型夹克',
+					type:'新品',
+					off:false
+				})
+			}
+			this.quanbuList=this.quanbuList.concat(list2)
+		},
+		ruku(){
+			uni.navigateTo({
+				url: "/pages/putstorage/index",
+			})
+		},
+		quxiao(){
+			this.show_1=false;
+		},
+	},
+<style lang="scss">
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+	}
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+	}
+	// 
+	.xiangji image{
+		width: 30px;
+		height: 22px;
+	}
+	.suosou image{
+		width: 40px;
+	}
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+		font-size: 23px !important;
+		color: #8E8E93 !important;
+	}
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+		width: 94%;
+		margin: 0 auto;
+		background-color: #414141 !important;
+		border-radius: 10px;
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+		background-color: #414141 !important;
+	}
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+	.dingwei image{width: 25px;margin-right: 10px;	}
+	.dingwei .touxiang{width: 50px;margin-right: 3px;	}
+	/deep/ .lunbo1{margin:0 !important;padding: 4px !important;margin-top: 5px !important;width: 46.6% !important;}
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+		font-size: 14px;
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+		border-radius: 20px;
+		padding-left: 14px;
+		padding-right: 14px;
+		margin-top: 17%;
+	}
+	/deep/ .qiehuan .tm-tabs-con-item-border{display: none;}
+	.yiguicla image{width: 95%;display: block;margin: 0 auto;margin-top: 5px;}
+	.yiguicla{width: 30%;border-radius: 10px;}
+	.more{text-align: center;}
+	.more image{margin-right: 10px;vertical-align: middle;width: 30px;}
+	.fudong{position:fixed;right:10px;bottom:150px;background: #303030;width: 130px;height: 60px;
+	border-radius: 30px 0px 0px 30px;font-size: 14px;text-align: center;}
+	.fudimg{width: 60px;height:60px}
+	// .anniu{width: 100%;margin: 0 auto;padding-bottom: 30px;text-align: center;}
+	// /deep/ .tm-button .tm-button-btn uni-button{min-width: 77px !important;}
+	/deep/ .tm-button .red{color: white !important;}
+	/deep/ .tcc .tm-poup-wk{width: 90% !important;position:relative;height: 580px !important;}
+	/deep/ .tcc .uni-swiper-slides{width: 100%;}
+	/deep/ .tcc uni-swiper{width: 100% !important;}
+	/deep/ .uni-swiper-slides{width: 160px !important;}
+	/deep/ .tcc uni-image{width: 160px !important;}
+	.tcc .guayi{width: 70% !important;display: block;margin:0 auto;margin-top:15px !important;}
+	.tcc .deng{width:25px !important;height:25px !important;vertical-align: middle;margin-right:8px;}
+	.aniOn{
+		animation:doudong 0.5s linear infinite;
+		background:linear-gradient();
+		background: -webkit-linear-gradient();
+	}
+	@keyframes doudong {
+		0%{
+			transform: rotate(-2deg) translateX(2rpx) translateY(2rpx);
+		}
+		25%{
+			transform: rotate(0deg) translateX(-2rpx) translateY(-2rpx);
+		}
+		50%{
+			transform: rotate(0deg) translateX(0rpx) translateY(-2rpx);
+		}
+		75%{
+			transform: rotate(0deg) translateX(0rpx) translateY(2rpx);
+		}
+		100%{
+			transform: rotate(-2deg) translateX(2rpx) translateY(2rpx);
+		}
+	}
+	/deep/ .tcc .anniu .gray.bk{color: white !important;}
+	// .tcc .anniu{width: 88%;margin: 0 auto;margin-top: 20px;}
+	/deep/ .tm-button{width: 80%;margin: 0 auto;margin-top: 20px;display: block;}
+	/deep/ .tm-button-btn{width: 100% !important;}
+	/deep/ .hui{position: absolute;background: rgba(0,0,0,0.4);z-index: 1;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;}

+ 2 - 0

@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ export default {
+			this.initBtn()
@@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ export default {
 	methods: {
+			this.$refs.yigui.getQiu();

+ 12 - 11

@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 					<image src="/static/img/6.png" mode="widthFix"></image>
 					<text class="text-white">今日穿搭推荐</text>
-				<view class="mt-20 text-size-g">
+				<view class="pb-20 text-size-g">
 					<view class="text-white" style="display: flex;justify-content: space-between;">
 						<view v-if="list.length !=0" class=""
 							style="display: flex;align-items: center; justify-content: center;width: 46%;font-size: 16px;font-weight: bold;">
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
 				<view class="text-size-g jihua remen">
 					<view style="width: 48%;" class="fl">
-						<view @click="tiaodapei()" v-for="(item,index) in listdata" v-if="index%2==0"
+						<view @click="tiaodapei(item.id)" v-for="(item,index) in listdata" v-if="index%2==0"
 							class="round-3 shadow-2 overflow pa-10 mt-20"
 							:class="[$tm.vx.state().tmVuetify.black ? 'black' : 'white']">
 							<image class="logo" :src="item.image" mode="widthFix"></image>
@@ -252,7 +252,8 @@
 						res.data.data.forEach(item => {
 								src: item.image,
-								name: item.title
+								name: item.title,
+								id:item.id
 					} else {
@@ -271,7 +272,6 @@
 					method: 'get',
 					data: that.reqData
 				}).then(res => {
-					console.log(res.data)
 					if (res.data.code == 200) {
 						res.data.data.forEach(item => {
@@ -291,15 +291,16 @@
 			getHot() {
 				let that = this;
-					url: "/api/Collocation/hotList",
+					url: "/api/ShopCollocation/hotList",
 					method: 'get',
 					data: that.reqData
 				}).then(res => {
 					if (res.data.code == 200) {
 						res.data.data.data.forEach(item => {
-								image: item.thumb,
-								text: item.title
+								image: item.image,
+								text: item.title,
+								id:item.id
 					} else {
@@ -310,9 +311,10 @@
-			tiaodapei() {
+			tiaodapei(id) {
+				console.log(id)
-					url: "/pages/shouyedetail/index",
+					url: "/pages/shouyedetail/index?id="+id,
 			tiao() {
@@ -321,9 +323,8 @@
 			tiaoclick(e) {
-				console.log(e)
-					url: "/pages/zidingyikan/index?type=1",
+					url: "/pages/zidingyikan/index?id="+e.data.id+"&type=1",
 			jinriFun(e) {

+ 46 - 36

@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
 	<view :style="{ minHeight: sys.windowHeight + 'px' }"
 		:class="[$tm.vx.state().tmVuetify.black ? 'black' : ' ']">
 		<tm-menubars title="详情" :shadow="0" :showback="true"></tm-menubars>
-		<image class="touimg" src="/static/img/91.png" mode="widthFix"></image>
+		<image class="touimg" :src="moren" mode="widthFix"></image>
 		<view class="qiehuancla">
-			<view :class="index==0?'border':'border1'" class="da" @click="qiehuan(0)">
-				<image class="xiaoimg" src="/static/img/92.png"></image>
-				<image v-if="index==0" class="sanjiao" src="/static/img/93.png" mode="widthFix"></image>
+			<view :class="index==0?'border':'border1'" class="da" v-for="(item,index) in datall.images" @click="qiehuan(index,item)">
+				<image class="xiaoimg" :src="item"></image>
+				<image v-if="index==chooseindex" class="sanjiao" src="/static/img/93.png" mode="widthFix"></image>
-			<view :class="index==1?'border':'border1'" class="da" @click="qiehuan(1)">
+			<!-- <view :class="index==1?'border':'border1'" class="da" @click="qiehuan(1)">
 				<image class="xiaoimg" src="/static/img/92.png"></image>
 				<image v-if="index==1" class="sanjiao" src="/static/img/93.png" mode="widthFix"></image>
@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@
 			<view :class="index==4?'border':'border1'" class="da" @click="qiehuan(4)">
 				<image class="xiaoimg" src="/static/img/92.png"></image>
 				<image v-if="index==4" class="sanjiao" src="/static/img/93.png" mode="widthFix"></image>
-			</view>
+			</view> -->
 			<view style="clear: both;"></view>
 		<tm-sheet class="contzui">
-			<div class="zhuti">
-				<view class="text-white">BALENCIAGA / adidas TRIPLE S男士运动鞋</view>
-				<view class="text-gray text-size-m mt-20">adidas 白色、黑色和灰色双层泡沫和网布 Triple S 运动鞋是与 adidas 携手推出的合作款。</view>
+			<div class="zhuti" v-if="datall !=0">
+				<view class="text-white">{{datall.title}}</view>
+				<!-- <view class="text-gray text-size-m mt-20">adidas 白色、黑色和灰色双层泡沫和网布 Triple S 运动鞋是与 adidas 携手推出的合作款。</view> -->
 				<!-- <view class="shoucang mt-30 fr">
 					<view class="fl di mr-20" @click="shouc">
 						<tm-translate ref="a_3" :auto="true" :duration="80"  animation-name="zoomIn">
@@ -64,44 +64,53 @@ export default {
-			test: [{
-				img: '../../static/img/83.png',
-				title: '丝缎质感纹理风衣',
-				label: '黑色 - 6518/320',
-				id: 3,
-				buy: 0,
-				itemId: 0
-			},{
-				img: '../../static/img/84.png',
-				title: '产品3(任选)',
-				label: '这个产品是只有几个融会',
-				id: 3,
-				buy: 0,
-				itemId: 0
-			},{
-				img: '../../static/img/83.png',
-				title: '产品3(任选)',
-				label: '这个产品是只有几个融会',
-				id: 3,
-				buy: 0,
-				itemId: 0
-			}],
+			test: [],
+			datall:0,
+			chooseindex:0,
+			moren:''
-	onLoad() {
+	onLoad(e) {
+		this.id=e.id?e.id:8;
 	created() {
 		this.sys = uni.getSystemInfoSync();
+		this.getDate();
 	methods: {
+		getDate(){
+			let that = this;
+			myRequest({
+				url: "/api/ShopCollocation/getShopCollocationDetails",
+				method: 'post',
+				data: {id:that.id}
+			}).then(res => {
+				if (res.data.code == 200) {
+					that.datall=res.data.data.data;
+					that.moren=that.datall.images[0]
+					res.data.data.details.forEach(item => {
+						that.test.push({
+							img: item.shopGoods.image,
+							title: item.shopGoods.goods_name,
+							label: item.shopGoods.goods_details,
+							goods_id:item.shop_goods_id,
+							id: item.shopGoods.id,
+						})
+					})
+				} else {
+					that.$refs.toast.show({
+						model: 'error',
+						label: res.data.msg
+					})
+				}
+			})
+		},
 				url: "/pages/shopdetail/index",
-			// this.gouwuche.push(data)
 			this.shoucangsrc=! this.shoucangsrc;
@@ -111,8 +120,9 @@ export default {
 			this.dianzan=! this.dianzan;
-		qiehuan(index){
-			this.index=index;
+		qiehuan(index,item){
+			this.chooseindex=index;
+			this.moren=item;

+ 23 - 7

@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 		<!-- 列表 -->
 		<tm-grouplist class="liebiao mt-40" v-if="sosotype==1 && libiaoList.length !=0">
-			<tm-listitem v-for="item in libiaoList" @click="tiaozhuan(item.type)" :title="item.name" left-icon="" show-left-icon :show-right-icon="false">
+			<tm-listitem v-for="item in libiaoList" @click="sousuo(item.name)" :title="item.name" left-icon="" show-left-icon :show-right-icon="false">
 		<tm-empty v-if="sosotype==1 && libiaoList.length ==0" label="暂无数据" color="white" icon="icon-paperplane-fill"></tm-empty>
@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@
 		<view class="zhuti">
 			<tm-sheet class="yichu"  v-if="sosotype==2" style="margin-bottom: 70px !important;">
 				<view class="jihua">
-					<view v-for="(item,index) in listdata" class="round-3 fl shadow-2 overflow pa-10 jihuaview" :class="[$tm.vx.state().tmVuetify.black ? 'black' : 'white']">
+					<view v-for="(item,index) in listdata" @click="xiangqing(item)" class="round-3 fl shadow-2 overflow pa-10 jihuaview" :class="[$tm.vx.state().tmVuetify.black ? 'black' : 'white']">
 						<image class="logo" :src="item.image" mode="widthFix"></image>
 						<view class="pa-10 text-size-s">
 							<view class="text-overflow-2">
-							<view class="mt-2 flex-between flex-center">
+							<!-- <view class="mt-2 flex-between flex-center">
 								<view class="touxiang mt-30">
 									<image src="/static/img/7.png" mode="widthFix"></image>
 									<text class="text-white text-size-m">可樂crys</text>
@@ -46,13 +46,13 @@
 								<view >
 									<image class="remenzan" :src="dianzan1?'/static/img/29.png':'/static/img/9.png'" mode="widthFix"></image>
-							</view>
+							</view> -->
-				<view style="clear: both;" class="more mt-40 pb-40 pt-40" @click="gengmore()" v-if="listdata.length !=0">
-					<image src="/static/img/30.png" mode="widthFix"></image>
-					<text class="text-size-s">下拉加载更多~</text>
+				<view style="clear: both;">
+					<!-- <image src="/static/img/30.png" mode="widthFix"></image>
+					<text class="text-size-s">下拉加载更多~</text> -->
 			<tm-empty v-if="sosotype==2 && listdata.length ==0" label="暂无数据" color="white" icon="icon-paperplane-fill"></tm-empty>
@@ -91,6 +91,18 @@ export default {
+		xiangqing(item){
+			console.log(item)
+			if(item.type=="衣物"){
+				uni.navigateTo({
+					url: "/pages/yifu/index?id="+item.id,
+				})
+			}else if(item.type=="搭配"){
+				uni.navigateTo({
+					url: "/pages/zidingyikan/index?id="+item.id+'&type=1',
+				})
+			}
+		},
 			var that=this;
@@ -126,6 +138,10 @@ export default {
+		sousuo(name){
+			this.soso=name;
+			this.sosoFun();
+		},
 			var that=this;

+ 1 - 1

@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ export default {
-				url: "/pages/zidingyi/index",
+				url: "/pages/zidingyikan/index",

+ 6 - 1

@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
 			<!-- <view class="biaoti text-white mt-30 text-size-m"><view class="mr-10"></view>场景</view> -->
 			<!-- <tm-tabs class="C1b1b1b qiehuan" color="white"  align="left"  v-model="activeIndex1" :list="list1" range-key="title"></tm-tabs> -->
 			<!-- <tm-tabs class="C1b1b1b qiehuan" color="white"  align="left"  v-model="activeIndex1" :list="list1" range-key="title"></tm-tabs> -->
-			<view class="yiguicla1 black pa-6 ma-4 fl" v-for="(item,index) in quanbuList1">
+			<view class="yiguicla1 black pa-6 ma-4 fl" v-for="(item,index) in quanbuList1" @click="yuyue">
 				<image :src="item.src" mode="widthFix"></image>
 				<view class="text-size-m mt-20 mb-20 ml-10">{{item.text}}</view>
@@ -175,6 +175,11 @@ export default {
 		this.sys = uni.getSystemInfoSync();
 	methods: {
+		yuyue(){
+			uni.navigateTo({
+				url: "/pages/zidingyikan/index",
+			})
+		},
 				if(o.length.length===0) return "";

+ 199 - 49

@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
 		<div class="zhuti">
 			<tm-sheet class="kuang" style="padding-bottom: 10px !important;">
 				<view style="width: 94%;margin:0 auto;">
-					<image class="chuanda" src="/static/img/108.png" mode="widthFix"></image>
-					<view class="shuru" v-if="off==2">
+					<image class="chuanda" :src="alldata.image" mode="widthFix"></image>
+					<!-- <view class="shuru" v-if="off==2">
 							<view class="text-size-m text-white">请输入搭配名称</view>
 							<tm-input v-model="familyname" name="title" clear placeholder="出席重要场合" clear></tm-input>
@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@
 						<tm-tabs class="C1b1b1b qiehuan" color="white"  align="left"  v-model="activeIndex" :list="list" range-key="title"></tm-tabs>
 						<view class="biaoti text-white mt-30 text-size-m"><view class="mr-10"></view>场景</view>
 						<tm-tabs class="C1b1b1b qiehuan" color="white"  align="left"  v-model="activeIndex1" :list="list1" range-key="title"></tm-tabs>
-					</view>
-					<view v-if="off==1" class="text-align-center mt-20 text-white">丝缎质感纹理风衣</view>
-					<view v-if="off==1" class="text-align-center mt-10 text-size-s">丝滑如肌肤</view>
+					</view> -->
+					<view v-if="off==1" class="text-align-center mt-20 text-white">{{alldata.title}}</view>
+					<!-- <view v-if="off==1" class="text-align-center mt-10 text-size-s">丝滑如肌肤</view> -->
-		<view class="goumai shangpin" v-if="off==1" >
+		<view class="goumai shangpin" v-if="off!=1" >
 			<view class="pt-20"><text class="ml-20">衣物名</text><text class="fr mr-20 text-gray text-size-s">丝缎质感纹理风衣</text></view>
 			<view class="pa-20"><tm-cartCellListFood  v-on:jiaruFun="jiarufuFun" v-for="item in test1" :typeclick="typeclick1" :mdata="item" :cart-num.sync="item.buy"></tm-cartCellListFood></view>
@@ -33,16 +33,33 @@
 		<!-- 单品 -->
 		<view class="zhuti shangpin">
 			<tm-sheet :padding="[0, 0]" class="jiaoxi xiao">
-				<tm-cartCellListFood  v-on:jiaruFun="jiarufuFun" v-for="item in test" :typeclick="typeclick" :mdata="item" :cart-num.sync="item.buy"></tm-cartCellListFood>
+				<tm-cartCellListFood  v-on:genghuan="genghuan" v-for="item in test" :typeclick="typeclick" :mdata="item" :cart-num.sync="item.buy"></tm-cartCellListFood>
-		<tm-button v-if="off==2" :round="24" class="sao mb-40 mt-40" block>保存</tm-button>
-		<view class="anniu" v-if="off==1">
-			<tm-menu direction="top" :list="['聚餐穿','开会穿']" @change="yuyue">
+		<view class="anniu">
+			<tm-menu direction="top" :list="listmingri" @change="yuyue">
 				<tm-button :round="24" theme="gray" size="n">预约明日</tm-button>
-			<tm-button :round="24" class="fr" theme="primary" size="n">全部出</tm-button>
+			<tm-button :round="24"@click="chuku" class="fr" theme="primary" size="n">全部出</tm-button>
+		<tm-poup v-model="show_1" :position="pos" class="tcc">
+			<view style="position: relative !important;" v-if="chukudata.length !=0">
+				<view style="height: 10px;"></view>
+				<tm-swiper @change="qiehuanLb" :current="current" :indicator-dots="false" :round="6" :ani3d="190"  :autoplay="false" :list="list1"></tm-swiper>
+				<view class="text-white text-align-center mt-15">{{chukudata[current].brand}}{{chukudata[current].color}}{{chukudata[current].goods_name}}</view>
+				<view class="text-white text-align-center mt-10 text-size-s">{{chukudata[current].description}}</view>
+				<image class="guayi" :src="chukudata[current].ygimage" mode="widthFix"></image>
+				<view class="text-white text-align-center mt-15">衣物位于 {{chukudata[current].ygposition}} {{chukudata[current].is_have}}号衣柜</view>
+				<view class="text-white text-align-center mt-15">
+					<image class="aniOn deng" src="/static/img/101.png" mode="widthFix"></image>
+					<text style="vertical-align: middle;">指示灯已亮,请取出衣柜</text>
+				</view>
+				<view class="anniu">
+					<tm-button @click="quxiao()" theme="gray" size="n">关闭弹框</tm-button>
+					<tm-button @click="quxchuFun()" class="fr" theme="primary" size="n">取消出库</tm-button>
+				</view>
+			</view>
+		</tm-poup>
 		<!-- 弹出层消息 -->
 		<tm-message ref="toast"></tm-message>
@@ -54,37 +71,13 @@ export default {
 		return {
+			alldata:0,
-			list1:['开会','聚餐'],
 			list5:[ '搭配内的购物清单'],
-			test: [{
-				img: '../../static/img/83.png',
-				title: '丝缎质感纹理风衣',
-				label: '黑色 - 6518/320',
-				price: '1299',
-				id: 3,
-				buy: 0,
-				itemId: 0
-			},{
-				img: '../../static/img/84.png',
-				title: '产品3(任选)',
-				label: '这个产品是只有几个融会',
-				price: 36.2,
-				id: 3,
-				buy: 0,
-				itemId: 0
-			},{
-				img: '../../static/img/83.png',
-				title: '产品3(任选)',
-				label: '这个产品是只有几个融会',
-				price: 36.2,
-				id: 3,
-				buy: 0,
-				itemId: 0
-			}],
+			test: [],
 			test1: [{
 				img: '../../static/img/83.png',
 				title: '丝缎质感纹理风衣',
@@ -94,31 +87,156 @@ export default {
 				itemId: 0
-			typeclick:5,//1加入购物车,2购物车,3前往购买,4,5
+			typeclick:6,//1加入购物车,2购物车,3前往购买,4,5
+			listmingri:[],
+			show_1:false,
+			pos:'center',
+			chukudata:[],
+			current:0,
+			list1:[]
 	onLoad(e) {
-		if(e){
-			this.off=e.type?e.type:1;
-			if(this.off==1){
-				this.typeclick=5;
-			}else{
-				this.typeclick=6;
-			}
+		this.off=e.type?e.type:1;//1是自己的
+		this.id=e.id?e.id:3;//1是自己的
+		if(this.off==1){
+			this.typeclick=6;
+		}else{
 	created() {
 		this.sys = uni.getSystemInfoSync();
+		this.getDate();
+		this.getmingri();
 	methods: {
+		getmingri(){
+			var that=this;
+			myRequest({
+				url: "/api/Scene/sceneList",
+				method:'post',
+				data:{}
+			}).then(res => {
+				if (res.data.code == 200) {
+					var data=res.data.data;
+					that.listmingri=[];
+					for(let i=0;i<data.length;i++){
+						that.listmingri.push(data[i].scene_name)
+					}
+					this.$forceUpdate()
+				}else{
+				}
+			})
+		},
+		getDate(){
+			var that=this;
+			myRequest({
+				url: "/api/Collocation/getCollocationDetails",
+				method:'post',
+				data:{id:that.id}
+			}).then(res => {
+				if (res.data.code == 200) {
+					that.alldata=res.data.data.data;
+					that.test=[];
+					res.data.data.details.forEach(item => {
+						that.test.push({
+							img: item.goods.image,
+							title: item.goods.goods_name,
+							label: item.goods.description,
+							goods_id:item.goods_id,
+							price: 36.2,
+							id: item.id,
+							buy: 0
+						})
+					})
+				}else{
+				}
+			})
+		},
-		jiarufuFun(data){
-			uni.navigateTo({
-				url: "/pages/shopdetail/index",
+		quxchuFun(){
+			var that=this;
+			myRequest({
+				url: "/api/Goods/cancelDelivery",
+				method:'post',
+				data:{qiu_id:that.qiuid,id:that.chukudata[that.current].id}
+			}).then(res => {
+				console.log(res.data)
+				if (res.data.code == 200) {
+					that.show_1=false;
+					that.$refs.toast.show({model:'success',label:res.data.msg})
+				}else{
+					that.$refs.toast.show({model:'error',label:res.data.msg})
+				}
+			})
+		},
+		quxiao(){
+			this.show_1=false;
+		},
+		qiehuanLb(e){
+			var that=this;
+			this.current=e;
+			console.log(e)
+		},
+		chuku(){
+			var ids=[];
+			var that=this;
+			for(let i=0;i<this.test.length;i++){
+				ids.push(this.test[i].goods_id)
+			}
+			myRequest({
+				url: "/api/Goods/takeClothes",
+				method:'post',
+				data:{id:ids}
+			}).then(res => {
+				if (res.data.code == 200) {
+					that.show_1=true;
+					that.chukudata=res.data.data;
+					that.list1=[];
+					for(let i=0;i<res.data.data.length;i++){
+						that.qiuid=res.data.data[i].qiu_id
+						that.list1.push(res.data.data[i].image)
+					}
+					that.$refs.toast.show({model:'success',label:'出库成功'})
+				}else{
+					that.$refs.toast.show({model:'error',label:res.data.msg})
+				}
-			console.log(data)
+		},
+		genghuan(data){
+			var that=this;
+			if(data.type==1){
+				uni.navigateTo({
+					url: "/pages/genghuan/index?goods_id="+data.data.goods_id+"&id="+data.data.id,
+				})
+			}else{
+				// 出库
+				var ids=[];
+				ids.push(data.data.goods_id)
+				myRequest({
+					url: "/api/Goods/takeClothes",
+					method:'post',
+					data:{id:ids}
+				}).then(res => {
+					if (res.data.code == 200) {
+						that.show_1=true;
+						that.chukudata=res.data.data;
+						that.list1=[];
+						for(let i=0;i<res.data.data.length;i++){
+							that.qiuid=res.data.data[i].qiu_id
+							that.list1.push(res.data.data[i].image)
+						}
+						that.$refs.toast.show({model:'success',label:'出库成功'})
+					}else{
+						that.$refs.toast.show({model:'error',label:res.data.msg})
+					}
+				})
+			}
@@ -167,4 +285,36 @@ export default {
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 	.goumai{background: #1B1B1B;margin-bottom: 10px;}
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+	/deep/ .tcc uni-swiper{width: 100% !important;}
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+	/deep/ .tcc uni-image{width: 160px !important;}
+	.tcc .guayi{width: 70% !important;display: block;margin:0 auto;margin-top:15px !important;}
+	.tcc .deng{width:25px !important;height:25px !important;vertical-align: middle;margin-right:8px;}
+	.aniOn{
+		animation:doudong 0.5s linear infinite;
+		background:linear-gradient();
+		background: -webkit-linear-gradient();
+	}
+	@keyframes doudong {
+		0%{
+			transform: rotate(-2deg) translateX(2rpx) translateY(2rpx);
+		}
+		25%{
+			transform: rotate(0deg) translateX(-2rpx) translateY(-2rpx);
+		}
+		50%{
+			transform: rotate(0deg) translateX(0rpx) translateY(-2rpx);
+		}
+		75%{
+			transform: rotate(0deg) translateX(0rpx) translateY(2rpx);
+		}
+		100%{
+			transform: rotate(-2deg) translateX(2rpx) translateY(2rpx);
+		}
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+	/deep/ .tcc .anniu .gray.bk{color: white !important;}
+	.tcc .anniu{width: 88%;margin: 0 auto;margin-top: 20px;}

+ 11 - 7

@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
 				<view class="tm-cartCellListFood-price flex-between">
-						<text class="text-size-xs text-red" v-if="typeclick!=3">¥</text>
-						<text class="text-size-n text-red text-weight-b px-5">{{mdata[keyMap['price']]}}</text>
+						<text class="text-size-xs text-red" v-if="typeclick!=3 && typeclick!=6">¥</text>
+						<text v-if="typeclick!=3 && typeclick!=6" class="text-size-n text-red text-weight-b px-5">{{mdata[keyMap['price']]}}</text>
 						<text v-if="mdata[keyMap['unit']]" class="text-size-xs text-grey pr-10">/{{mdata[keyMap['unit']]}}</text>
 						<text v-if="mdata[keyMap['salePrice']]" class="text-delete text-size-xxs text-grey">¥{{mdata[keyMap['salePrice']]}}</text>
@@ -62,12 +62,12 @@
 						<view class="fukuan">去付款</view>
 					<view style="position: absolute;right: 20px;" v-if="typeclick==5">
-						<view class="genghuan mr-10">出</view>
+						<view class="genghuan mr-10">出</view>
 						<!-- <view class="genghuan">取出</view> -->
 					<view style="position: absolute;right: 20px;" v-if="typeclick==6">
-						<view class="genghuan mr-10" @click="genghuan(mdata)">更换</view>
-						<view class="genghuan">出</view>
+						<view class="genghuan mr-10" @click="genghuan(mdata,1)">更换</view>
+						<view class="genghuan" @click="genghuan(mdata,2)">出</view>
@@ -214,8 +214,12 @@
 				this.$emit('jiaruFun', {data:data,type:2});
-			genghuan(){
-				this.$emit('genghuan', data);
+			genghuan(data,type){
+				if(type==1){
+					this.$emit('genghuan', {data:data,type:type});
+				}else if(type==2){
+					this.$emit('genghuan', {data:data,type:type});
+				}
 				this.$emit('jiaruFun', {data:data,type:1});